Агентство комплексного маркетинга Agency-5...

... creates effective websites for business, modern design and successful advertising campaigns.

We are a Russian team of professionals in the field of website development, advertising and Web-analytics.

Our main advantage is our specialists and approach to the client. In addition, our pricing policy is very beneficial for our clients.

Our main goal is to solve any client's business problems related to digital. We increase productivity and unlock unrealized business potential.

If we take on a project, be sure that we will do our best!

  1. Feb, 2017
    Открытие агентства

    We have come together as a team of successful freelancers to join forces in a common struggle for the success of clients.

  2. Feb, 2018
    Expanding the number of employees

    The growth in the number of clients required an expansion of the staff. The first staff consisted of 5 people: prototyper, web designer, front-end & back-end specialist, seo specialist, SMM specialist. We duplicated some specialists.

  3. Feb, 2019
    Reaching the regional level

    We have gained customers from the regions, thanks to positive reviews and recommendations from existing customers. In addition, we began to promote our clients in the markets of the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus).

  4. Feb, 2020
    Помогли выстоять в кризисный период самоизоляции нашим клиентам

    В непростой период всеобщей самоизоляции, связанной с  пандемией COVID-19, помогли нашим клиентам максимально нивелировать влияние кризиса. Благодаря накопленной базе довольных клиентов, наш отдел Интернет-маркетинга не уходил в вынужденный отпуск 🙂

  5. Feb, 2021
    Выросли сами и помогли вырасти нашим клиентам!

    Выросли в 5 раз по количеству клиентов и помогли старым и новым заказчикам также показать внушительный рост. Оптимизировали бизнес-процессы, продумали новые стратегии и изучили новые инструменты, чтобы радовать наших клиентов ещё более качественным и эффективным продуктом! 

  6. Feb, 2022
    Открыли два новых международных офиса

    Открыли два новых офиса заграницей - в Сербии и ОАЭ и начали экспансию на международные рынки. 

Calculate the price of website development

High efficiency

If we take on a project, be sure that we will do our best!
Агенство маркетинга для бизнеса

Fair price

We have no hidden fees and our customers always know what they are paying for.
Агенство маркетинга

Team of experts

We are fans of our business, constantly immersed in work and looking for ways to complete tasks perfectly.
Агенство комплексного маркетинга для бизнеса

Transparency of work

All projects are carried out officially with the execution of contracts and closing documents. We also always provide regular and clear progress reports.
We provide technical support to our clients after finishing of the project.
Our team consists of professionals in their field with many years of experience.
You will receive a high-quality product in the shortest possible time.

Our principles

Extensive experience, many successful cases and dozens of grateful clients are the result of our work. You will get the desired result or we will refund your money!